Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Where's it going to blow?

We saw tons of steam wafting up over the trees so we pulled in. After bundling up in cold winter gear we start exploring up the wooden path that seemed to go forever. We found dozens of steaming holes in the ground. Every so often in the distance we would see one bubble up scorching hot water into the air. But it never seem to be at the one that we were standing in front of. Even when we dashed over to one it would wind down before we would get there. But then we made our way around to the last couple and one started going off. Tug, tug at my jacket, "Is this ONE Old Faithful?" "No you guys we told you five times its several miles away". Clearly the kids were excited and so were we. This geyser shoot 10' in the air and tons of steam bellowed out in front of a picture perfect backdrop that surround us.

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