Tuesday, June 25, 2013

To the top or bust

From the outside of the massive hotel I could see there was stairs on the exterior of the building that brought you to the tip top where there was a platform. So going in I knew I had to figure out how to get those.

After we went to the third floor I could see that there was another flight of stairs that lead to a stair, ladder, and platform system that wrapped around the back inside wall of the building switching back and forth all the way to the top. It lead up to a bird's nest type of structure which seemed to just cling to the surface of the pitched roof. In fact the whole stair system appeared to be like that after the third floor. With nothing around you or below you it made it seem like you would be floating up there.

Yep, I'm in. I start making my way to the first series of stairs but am quickly stopped by a rope with a sign in it and a Master padlock securing it. So I immediately look at Riley and say "Do you think this means no or YES if a person has the ability to unlock it?".

Jessica looks at me and said, "Did you even look at the sign". Of course not! "All the stairs above this level was damaged in a earthquake which twisted the whole thing", she explained. I looked up, "Looks good to me...they just put that up. You know I can open that lock!". She smiled, gave me THE look, and said "We are going to be late."

No fun! That would have been a great picture but I had to settle for this pic. Which was from the third floor looking up to the even higher ceiling.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like you guys are having a great time!!!
