Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The figure 8

Yellowstone is made up of a firgure 8 main road. Yesterday we started out in the first loop. Today we are going to try the second.

When you drive the road it seems to be cut right down the middle of the forest. Beautiful trees line the road. Some old some new, but all of them to tall to see over and to thick to see through. Your eyes quickly scan the tree line in hopes to spot wild life. Every minute or so there will be a clearing in the trees where it opens up to expose its unbelievable landscape views. Each one unique and breath taking but you only have a few seconds to take it in before the curtain of trees closes and the next view is qued up. You want to stop on the side of the road, and people do, for each clearing but it would take you months to see the whole park. Your only hope is that the next one doesn't wash away the memory of the last one.

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