Tuesday, June 25, 2013


We timed it perfectly. When we reached Old Faithful we only had 9 minutes to wait. Luck was with us because it started early.

It doesn't just go off like a rocket. Instead it performs while building the crowds excitement.

It begun by blowing large puffs of steam in the air in a series of waves which set the crowd off. "Is it starting?" everyone would whisper. Then it began spitting a tiny bit of water up as if to just clear its throat. The crowd started again, "Now, now look its going...". It proceeded to go back and forth taunting the crowd. Water shoot up 10-15' which was clearly a warm up. And then it found its stride quickly raising its fountain to 50+ feet in the air in a hot bubbley breath. And keep building and building on itself. With steam that rose twice as high and quickly surrounded the water making it difficult to see.

Luckily we did a few things around the area so we were present two more times for the grand finally. The last one that we saw was even bigger then the first. It really was great.

The downside after awhile the string smell if sulfur in the air gets annoying and inescapable.

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