Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mom says no...Dad says Bang Bang

After much resistance from Jessica I pulled into a fireworks stand to pick up $5 of fun.

Riley was very concerned about driving around with fireworks in the back of the van. As he put it, "explosive...gasoline, hello Dad".

However we made it back to my Dad's safely and of course I wanted to light them off immediately. But everyone wanted to wait. Finally after a couple of hours the time came, everyone was ready.

We started out with our biggest bang first. Figured after one bang Jessica would shut down the operation so I wanted to get the main attraction accomplished.

Keep in mind this is the kids first exposure to fireworks that weren't put on by a city. Also given that the both hate load noises I wasn't sure how it was going to go.

Of course the first round went off and I loved it but I didn't hear much from the kids. I quickly qued up round two, a package of "bees" which are suppose to spin up into the air. They all lit but didn't really fly. Grace did not like those. I'm not sure why. It could have been from Grandpa telling me that if it landed on the roof it would burn down the house.

Finally we ended with two packages of sparklers. After the first one Riley wanted to try holding one. And after he tried a couple I convinced a reluctant Grace to try a couple. It wounded up being fun for everyone.

Mommy says no more. Daddy says stay tuned for pictures from Tuesday.

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