Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Beautiful cascades

When traveling the tree lined main road there are a lot of little wooden signs with small writing that have a name and a paved road. One of them said Kepler Cascades so we said what the heck let's check it out. It lead down a small road to a tiny parking lot in front of a wooden platform. When we walked to end of the platform it was an incredible cascade. The mountain appeared to be split open ever so slightly by the powerful water that pushed its way down 150+ feet. Making its way down a series of levels to finally crashing down into a still waiting pond. Each side of the mountain was extreamly steep and had hundreds of jagged fallen trees. Each one 25+ feet long. I was on my toes the whole time waiting for gravity to just nudge one of them down what would have been a spectacular fall.

For me it was by far the best place we have saw. There was no huge signs letting you know, hey you don't want to miss this. And that's because the whole park is like that. It makes you wonder what else we are missing at all the other small wooden signs.

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